Trainer AND Therapist

What is the job description of a personal trainer? Motivate Accountability Prescribe exercises Provide nutrition advice Be a role model   In my 3 years of personal training I find a lot of joy in providing care to my clients like in the job description above. It becomes a responsibility for us to make sure […]

The Coach is not the driver, they are the passenger

You know when you have someone in the passenger seat in charge of playing the music or navigating maps? Yeah that’s what a coach does. They aren’t really the ones driving the car. Their main responsibility is to make sure the trip is smooth sailing and enjoyable for the driver. The responsibility of the lifter […]

The key to health, wellbeing and longevity

At 11 am every day, we hear the latest updates from NSW government. We hear a message of fear and concern for public health and the health of the communities.   In an effort to improve the situation of public health the people in power have resorted to strong measures: Curfews Masks Movement limitation Activity […]

Improving Your Squats

Let’s clean up that squat. The squat might just be the most butchered compound movement I witness people doing at the gym.   Too often do I see people struggle to progress the weight or make the squat look smooth or efficient. It’s for this reason that many develop a mindset of avoiding the squat […]

Training With An Injury

Put yourself in this situation.   Everything is going great. You’re in the middle of a training block. You feel great, you’re progressing well, you’re recovering smoothly and you’re finding new levels of strength and fitness. The worst possible scenario for your training happens- you injure yourself.   Now it hurts pretty bad just to […]

Foods To Add To Your Diet If You Struggle With Weight Gain

Struggling to gain weight might seem like a good problem to have, but it isn’t. Many trainees find themselves training hard and seemingly doing everything right, yet never managing to build muscle.   The good news is, making smarter food choices and using certain tactics can make it easy to get your calories in, drive […]

Daily Activities That Can Negatively Impact Your Training

You’re a lifter/ gym goer and you have to help a friend move house or you just bought some new furniture for yourself and you’re worried about how it will affect your training. In reality, you know it might be tiring at the time and it won’t affect your training but you also don’t want […]

Sleep And Performance

Do you ever feel like you’re not making the progress you should be? You’re training hard, programming intelligently, and eating well, but results often come slowly.   What could the problem be? Why do some people seem to make such good progress where you fight for every kilo on the bench press?   It all […]

The Process of Building Muscle

We’ve all experienced muscle growth. We would go to the gym, lift weights, eat enough food, and gradually see our muscles getting bigger.   But have you ever wondered how muscles grow? That new muscle tissue certainly doesn’t come out of thin air, so what’s the deal here?   Let’s break it down.   A […]