Bad Popcorn, Big Buckets: Portion size can influence intake as much as taste

Bad Popcorn, Big Buckets: Portion size can influence intake as much as taste   UHP PT José summarized this study and found that:⁣ 🔹Large packaging and portion sizes suggests larger consumption norms. In which implicates the portion to be ‘normal’ or ‘appropriate’.⁣ 🔹E.g. it was found that snacks (chex-mix) served in bigger bowls during the […]

4 tips for dining out when on a diet

4 tips for dining out when on a diet   Summertime is a very social time with plenty of events, weddings, birthdays and outings. And the majority of the time these events circle around food.⁣ Here are some tips that help you stay on track with your diet, while still enjoying food with friends and […]

5 Tips For A Productive And Stress-Free Grocery Shopping Experience

5 Tips For A Productive And Stress-Free Grocery Shopping Experience If you’re struggling to get your grocery shopping done, here are my top 5 tips towards a productive and stress-free grocery shopping experience: 1. Shop with a list When we don’t have a list of items that we really NEED, we are most likely to […]

Why Generic Meal Plans Don’t Work

Why Generic Meal Plans Don’t Work Nutrition is not a one-size-fits-all approach – neither is it the be all and end all when it comes to rigid meal plans. We all live different lives, eat different foods, and have different preferences, so a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to your nutrition is not sustainable and […]

Losing Weight During Isolation

Losing Weight During Isolation It’s been more than 2 weeks now since the gyms have closed now and I think most of the exercising population are just about to lose their minds. I myself as a trainer am losing my mind, not only because I can’t train in a gym, but also my clients can’t […]

No Weights? No Worries

No Weights? No Worries Lifting weights, especially in a heavier and specific sense has for a lot of people been eliminated since gym closures. Unless you actually own a gym or have a completely decked out gym in your yard, you will not have access to every exercise and machine that you previously did. That’s […]

Returning To Training After A Long Break

Returning To Training After A Long Break So you’ve had a break with your training for whatever reason- sickness, holiday, injury, pregnancy or any life circumstance. You know where you were in the past and you want to return to that state as fast as possible. You dread training in a worse state than you […]

What Is Your Fitness Why?

What Is Your Fitness Why? Identifying what your why is when it comes to your health and fitness, is one of the most important things you can do for yourself before starting your health journey. It’s the reason why you want to achieve your goal. Think about what you want to change and more importantly […]

Comp Recap State Qualifiers 31.1.21

Comp Recap State Qualifiers 31.1.21 It was a nice early morning for the morning group of the powerlifting comp as weigh-ins started at 6 am. Des, Jasmine, Jess, Tyrone, Charlotte, Bonner, Petra, Lisa, Jack and Brad all weighed in and relaxed before warming up for the day. I arrived at 7 am ready to coach […]

Breaking Through Plateaus

Breaking Through Plateaus Do you remember your first 2-3 months working out? Increasing the weight almost weekly, getting stronger or losing weight at a great pace, then all of a sudden, the results slow down. You try to train harder, but the results just will not come the same way that they used to. You […]