Adapt and Attack

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Adapt and Attack

3 weeks into lockdown and it doesn’t look like gyms will be opening their doors soon. I can tell that a lot of people are on edge and really questioning their future plans such as weddings, gatherings, concerts or even sporting events. Saving a date on a calendar these days can definitely be a gamble.

Now on the other hand, I have seen a number of people starting to take their training and health more seriously. I see this as one of the brightest things that comes into lockdown.

You take something away from people such as unlimited exercise – all of a sudden, people want to exercise. It’s like the essence of time is now very available while you’re in lockdown. Did much really change for the average 9-5?

My clients have definitely started to take their health to a whole other level by willing to invest further in their training. Whether it is renting out equipment, buying equipment and paying a little bit more for services. Essentially, people see it as a high priority and they’re willing to invest more money. I understand that there was more to invest money in if everything was open like drinking, eating out, etc. But see how a person’s spending habits can definitely be affected by external factors.

In a way, I see this as people adapting to whatever situation is thrown at them. The government really is what the society needs to adapt to whether we like it or not. We can choose to get emotional OR get logical. Now this requires a bit of mental strength if you want to get logical. Human beings get emotional – it’s hard to control it. Now, I’m not saying you’re mentally weak if you can’t get logical. More so tapping into the logical way of thinking is quite difficult to grasp.

Just from personal experience, I am starting to find it easier to tap into that mindset. Honestly, just from past experiences. I wasn’t trained or mentored for this. But I have definitely developed a “calloused mindset” (David Goggins reference). But I encourage everyone to not be afraid of just giving it a go. Think about what you can potentially lose from just giving something a go? A lot of people are scared to make a decision because of this and that. The question is, is the loss really that big versus doing nothing at all?

Learn your environment and make a decision on how to fight against the situation and WIN. Accepting loss should not be an option. Don’t wait for the gate to unlock. Make your own key.


What a way to end a blog post.

Stay healthy everyone!

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