Bulking Experience and Mentality

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Bulking Experience and Mentality

Ever since I got back from holiday I have found myself to be in a surplus of calories (eating more than my body should to maintain). I used this as an opportunity to keep going with it and put myself through a surplus phase a.k.a. A bulk.


To be honest, the last time I was on a bulk was roughly 2 years ago when I was training with a body building style coach. He taught me how to predominantly focus on carbs when increasing calories and increasing maintenance calories.


My game plan was to focus on increasing carbs slowly over time and keep the fats and protein around the same. My goal was to gain a good amount of muscle so I can lift more weight for national championships with the bonus of long term body composition goals being ticked off.


Post-holiday was April and National Championships were not until Mid-October so I thought, f*ck it let’s go for it.


My existing calories at that point was approximately 2500 calories. First official week, I increased my calories by 200 calories. Most of it being carbs and a hint of fats. At this point, I think this is great! More food! I’m enjoying eating more rice, more potatoes, and raisin toast for breakfast! I did this for 2 weeks and my weight started to regulate and get used to the volume of food. Before you know it I was getting hungry at 2700 calories. Time to increase!


Again, fine for me mentally. I’m thinking wooo! More rice, more potatoes, I get to have toast twice a day! By this point my energy was really good. I have a high amount of carbohydrates in my system and I am pumping through my training sessions. I didn’t feel depleted at all whatsoever. I can feel my belly start go get bigger but it wasn’t really messing with me as of yet.


3 weeks later my weight started to regulate once again and if anything my weight was getting down around the low 95.3s. To put in perspective, I was weighing in at high 95s and low 96s for the 3 weeks as an average. So yep you guessed it. 2900 calories! Eating shy of 3000 calories was the most I’ve eaten in the past 2 years. The last time I ate this much food was 3600 calories but in saying that my output levels were very high (20k steps/day high). This time round I was getting just shy of 12k steps most days! At this point I was eating 2 bagels, having 2 finger buns from woolies and a lot of rice and potato in my curries/stir fries.


Now this all sounds like fun but let me tell you – this is my first time I’ve had an intentional bulk and it’s really hard. Eating such a high amount of food compared to what you’re used to over the past 2 years hits different. Some days, you’re having to just pump out as much carbs as you can at night time followed by going to bed with a full stomach. Weigh yourself the next morning and boom WHOA. Yes, I’m aware that food residue is taken into account but this still hits me knowing that my weight is so high.


Not gonna lie, I’m barely hungry at this point. Given the fact that my weight has gone up. My training feels good (besides positioning in the deadlift 🙁 ). My bench is flying and I am pumping through my accessories way more now. I mean with these extra carbs and water you’d hope so.


There is that good side of the bulk (besides eating more). I thought to myself, I have 3 weeks left of my block. Might as well ride it out. Might as well increase my calories to 3200.


Let me tell you now. This is hard. Like for me this is hard hard. My grocery bill has gone up $20/week and I have times where I feel heavy when I walk! This is where its mental toll hits. Thinking, am I just getting fat? Are the gains even going to the right place? Im filling shirts out but i’m filling them in all areas of the shirt including that gut haha! Nevertheless, the show goes on.


I think people think that bulking is really fun and they wished they ate 3000+ calories. Even though they’re only used to 1800 calories. Imagine having to double your calories EVERYDAY. Not even in this case I’m doubling my calories. That’s a feeling that is harder on the mind rather than on a deficit in my opinion. When you’re on a deficit and you’re feeling hungry that’s when you know you’re doing it right. When it comes to a bulk you still question it even though you’re gaining weight.


At this point I have to get back down to my why and really push through these mental barriers. I have to keep telling myself – this is just going to be temporary. I’ve lost weight many many times – what will make the next time different?


This is for all the people on the bulk at the moment, and maybe really mentally feeling like you’re doing it wrong or wanting to call it and start your cut early. Go hard while you can and hit the training hard and with INTENTION!


I was 97.3kg today and I’m feeling bloated af as I write this blog. These last 3 weeks will be hard mentally AND physically for my body. Let’s go!


Don’t hesitate to reach out for any tips on bulking too.

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