Keeping a Positive Mental State During Lockdown

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Keeping a Positive Mental State During Lockdown

Have you ever been in a position where you felt stagnant or unhappy for no reason? Keeping a positive attitude is hard when everything is changing in a seemingly negative way. The biggest challenge we face today is being unable to do things we previously could. Seeing friends and family, going to the gym, meeting up with friends for food or even shopping for a dress you wanted for a wedding next month.

When so much was taken away, it can be hard to pull yourself away from all the negativity around you. Take a step back and think about what you can do. As long as there is something you are striving for each day you will find yourself in a much better mood. Having a mission or task to complete is key to finding purpose in your day and your life. Goals are what drive us to put action and effort towards something meaningful. When there is meaning there is positivity and happiness.

Keep A Routine

Even if you don’t think about it, the body works off routine. The thing that drives the biggest result with almost everything is staying consistent. The easiest way to do this is to keep in a routine. It makes things seamless and easy. The body doesn’t like change. So do things long enough and it will be your body doing things automatically, not your brain just thinking about it. Walking, reading, training and anything else you can relate to positive results can be made so much easier when it is part of your daily routine.


We all know we feel great after exercising. Endorphins are released when we exercise which will allow for not just feeling great but helping us become more productive throughout the day. The better we feel, generally the greater the tasks we will take on. The bigger the task completed the better we feel again. This positive feedback loop not only makes you feel better but also more productive long term. A productive life is one to be proud of, further increasing your want to exercise, which creates better results.

Create A Checklist

The best thing you can do is create a list that determines your day. Put things on this list that you want to do and would feel good about completing. Ensure you don’t put things on this list that you don’t want to do and just think they are a good idea. A lot of people fall into this trap and find that they don’t tick anything off. The more ticks you get the better you feel. Once again creating a positive feedback loop that leaves you wanting more the next day. You will quickly find out how much you can really do in a day and schedule efficiently. Go get those ticks!

Communicate With Close Friends

It’s part of being human that we want to belong. The more you talk to someone the more attached you will become. Comfortability is massive when it comes to relationships and just like building a routine, it takes work. Just a little conversation every day can be the difference between a growing relationship that brings positivity to your life and a feeling of loneliness. Some people do like their alone time. Eventually, though this can lead to negative side effects that cause you to fall into a negative headspace which can throw out your routine.

Actively Work On Yourself

You can see that most of the advice provided causes a positive feedback loop which reinforces you to do more and more of the things that makes you feel good. Most of the things that you do for yourself for self-improvement in many aspects of your life will cause this, so the general advice here would be to seek anything that improves you physically or mentally daily. Over time you can add to this list but make sure you start small. Small daily improvements will set you up for massive change in the long term. Keep hacking away, and you will find that maybe it’s not so bad after all.

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