What Is Your Fitness Why?

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What Is Your Fitness Why?

Identifying what your why is when it comes to your health and fitness, is one of the most important things you can do for yourself before starting your health journey.

It’s the reason why you want to achieve your goal.

Think about what you want to change and more importantly the reason or reasons why you want to make this change.

Knowing your why will help you take your health and fitness goal to a deeper level.

If your goal is weight loss and someone asks you why you might say “so I can be healthy and have more energy.”

If they ask “Why do you want to be more healthy and have more energy?”⬇️

“I want to lose weight so that I can run around with my kids and better a model role model for them and avoid health issues.”

Why is that important?⬇️
“I want to lose weight because I’m worried about my health and want to make sure that I will be around for my kids for as long as possible.”

⬆️This becomes your reason for wanting to make a change and will be your internal driver and motivator.

Take some time to think about your fitness why, write it down and reflect on it often.

If you’d like to have a chat about your health and fitness goals contact us and we’ll be happy to help. 💙


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