Various Rehab Specialists

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You’ve probably heard of physiotherapists, chiropractors, exercise physiologists, and other similar specialists.

As such, you might be confused about these fields, what each covers, and what makes them unique.

If that’s the case, you’re in the right place. We’ll be going over the various rehab specialists and seeing what makes them unique.

Let’s dive in.

What are Physiotherapists?

Physiotherapists, also known as physical therapists, study and treat people afflicted by injuries, diseases, and general disabilities through movement, guidance, and specific medical procedures.

Their approach to treatment includes recommendations and hands-on therapy in the form of massages, active release, joint mobilization, lymph drainage, assessment of range of motion, and more.

A physiotherapist helps patients with various issues, ranging from joint injuries to recovering from strokes and everything in-between.

What Are Exercise Physiologists And How Do They Differ?

Exercise physiologists are similar to physiotherapists because both types of specialists study the human body extensively, looking for ways to help patients overcome disabilities and injuries. The primary difference is that physiotherapists provide hands-on treatment, whereas physiologists lean on guidance rather than physical contact with patients.

An exercise physiologist will provide tips, guidance, and lifestyle education to improve the patient’s condition and help them recover more quickly. In many cases, the physiologist will tailor an exercise program to a patient, allowing them to develop the necessary physical improvements or fix weak points.

The exercise physiologist will also look to determine the cause of your specific problem and provide guidance for helping you prevent that in the future. In many instances, exercise physiologists will also work with athletes of sports teams to educate them, help players overcome injuries, and prevent them from getting hurt in the future.

Chiropractors: What Makes Them Unique?

Chiropractic is a form of treatment that improves the condition and function of the human body while also reducing pain and obstruction. The therapy focuses on neuromuscular issues, mainly through the adjustment of the spinal region.

Chiropractors operate under the belief that the central nervous system and spine are intimately connected. And any physical issues in the area can affect how the body feels and functions.

Unlike the above two treatment fields, chiropractic is considered alternative medicine and is therefore not a traditional course of treatment.

Why Do We Have So Many Fields of Treatment?

Each situation is unique and requires a specific course of treatment. Having people who specialize in various areas is vital for providing the best and most thorough treatment. The same goes for doctors. We have general practitioners (GPs), but there are also specialized medics in cardiology, endocrinology, oncology, and more.

Rather than knowing a little in many areas, specialists learn everything there is to know about their unique area, which allows them to tackle specific problems related to their field.

Another reason why we have many allied rehab specialists is that there are different populations of people to consider. Treating an older person recovering from a hip fracture is one thing. Dealing with a professional athlete in their prime is a whole other ordeal.

Our personal trainers know how to program around injuries for clients. This is to ensure there are no flare-ups and preventative measures are taken to ensure progress doesn’t stall. If you have or have had an injury and want to know how to progress in your training, book in a complimentary consultation with us. We will run you through a game plan of how you can work around your injury. Click here to get started.

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