Trust The Process

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Trust the process – we’ve all heard the term before. Sometimes it may be thrown around too easily, sometimes it might be confusing. At times it might just be the exact right thing to say or do regarding your belief in ensuring you stick to a certain procedure or advice from a coach/ friend that allows you to achieve the result that you originally set out to achieve.

This term is used when someone doubts themselves when things don’t go exactly to plan. Or there is some form of stalling or slowing of results. If there was no emotion attached to not achieving a goal then, we would not have to use this term. Essentially, to trust the process means to keep doing what you’re doing and the results will come. Changing your approach too often can have negative effects on progress.

Trusting The Process In Training

Let us put ‘Trust The Process’ into a scenario of someone struggling to put on weight (muscle tissue to be exact). They have just started personal training/ coaching and have received education on building up and perfecting their technique before pushing in volume and bumping up the intensity. They are struggling to put on size and their coach lets them know that they are going to focus on form before pushing volume. Naturally, the client is thinking about all those ‘gains’ they are missing out on by backing things off for a few weeks and building up efficiency for long term results. In other words, 1 step back and 2 steps forward. Ultimately you will get more out of your training by taking your trainer’s approach. You just have to get over the ‘results now’ mentality – expecting your results straightaway.

Trusting The Process In Nutrition

We can also take this into the realm of eating. Many people trying to put on weight struggle with eating volume foods. The advice from a trainer might be to eat more calorie-dense foods. Their previous knowledge of these foods (rice, pasta, cereal, bread etc.) is that they should be avoided for health reasons. After being educated on why these foods are ok and dense calorie foods are suggested, it can be natural to still resist or restrict eating these foods. Trusting the process in this scenario will be to run with the given advice even if previous beliefs go against this new process of dense foods. It can feel unnatural and at times scary but if you’ve been trying for quite some time with limited results then what is the risk in trying?

Examples make things easier to understand. Essentially trusting the process is all about going against previous beliefs or initial reactions to a non-result. Or slowing results experienced in the realm of fitness. Going against emotional decisions and sticking with the logical ones is sometimes hard to do initially. Once you have trusted the process before and it works, it gets a whole lot easier.

Are you unsure about what you need to do to reach your goals? Our personal trainers will create a personalised program suited to you and your needs. Click here to book a complimentary consultation to find out how we can help you get to your goals.

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