male body builder in gym showing body composition

The Process of Body Recomposition

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First of all, what does a body recomposition mean?

Generally, it involves losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time. You’re probably thinking, isn’t that what a calorie deficit is? To a certain degree yes, although a calorie deficit’s primary focus is to lose fat and get the number on the scale lower.


How does a body recomposition differ from a calorie deficit phase? The primary focus is more so on what you see in the mirror, girth measurements, and/or fat callipers. Recomposition is defined as the action of composing or forming something again or differently.


Sticking to one point of data collection like a weighing scale can be very hard to determine if you’re in the right direction of a body recomposition. The reason is that the scale might show a higher number than you’d hoped but in reality, you might actually look better.


How does a body recomposition work?

A necessity for a body recomp phase is to increase the volume/intensity of your strength training, if not, introduce strength training. Building strength in the gym will result in building muscle tissue to facilitate the recomposition.


With the support of higher quality food, your body will have the ability to recover faster and increase performance in the gym. Having a lack of calories present in your diet can result in too much weight loss (including muscle).


A lot of people get carried away with wanting to feel hungry most of the time and think that they’re on the right track. This can be inefficient in the grand scheme of things and can result in yo-yo dieting. Implementing higher calories (aka a refeed) can really help with keeping the body feeling good, therefore, increasing performance.


Saranya released an e-book on a guide to start this recomposition phase. There it explains the explanation behind each step of the recomp process. Click here to get your copy of the ebook.


If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message.

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