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The Issue With Cookie-Cutter Programs

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We have all heard the term cookie-cutter which refers to a tool used in the kitchen that cuts the cookies up the exact same shape and size each time. There are different sizes and shapes to suit the purpose: bite-sized or big, and different shapes. This works well for cookies but is not as good with humans (when talking/ relating it to programming). You will generally get results from a program designed to work for the ‘majority of people’. And most programs even have options to fill in your lifted/ estimated numbers you can work with to ensure the intensities are correct. If the plan goes well and there are no hiccups, you will certainly get results.


The main issue with programs that run off the same template and method as anyone who downloads it is that there is no data to base the program off. Programs will be made for a certain population. It might be people who have experience in the gym or know how to perform the correct technique for all the included exercises. What happens if you don’t yet know how to squat but it’s included in the program? You could potentially be a more experienced lifter and require more advanced methods to progress your training (past linear progression which works really well for the majority of novices). You might also be wanting to progress your hypertrophy (build muscle) but the program that you downloaded online is designed for developing strength as the main focus. Even with the program name, there is no sure way to know that the program is designed for your goals. Results will come for sure, but it may not be exactly how you planned it (either way this is better than not training). Most of the time this can be repeated until the results stall. Then the search is on to find a way to progress again.


A method that you can use is trying programs until you find something that works for you. This is something that many people do when they don’t get the results they want, with the hope that the new program will provide the results they desire. A lot of the time people went for the program due to the ease of access, they were able to start straight away and not waste time talking to a trainer or coach. You can see how time and convenience slowly start to take a turn once things don’t go to plan. Essentially, having a coach will allow you to save massive amounts of time over the long term as you’re able to do things right the first time around. There is a much smaller trial and error process as there is an expert taking care of what you do to achieve your results. There is also that expert there for when things go wrong. Rather than trying to figure out what to do, a plan is made based on the scenario at hand and can be implemented almost immediately after a discussion.


If you think that you will be investing time into your health and fitness for a long time then it’s a great idea to have a comprehensive idea of what you need to be doing to achieve the best training results short and long term. Trainers are able to base what is best for you from real-time data that is picked up during training and make required adjustments to make it as efficient for you as possible. This same efficiency building process is not possible without someone looking over your training from the outside. If the plan is to know what is right for you before going out on your own that’s fine too. You’ve invested in your training for the future and trainers offer more than just pushing you in a session. There is a massive education and learning component involved also.


If you want to have a chat with us about your training goals and program, click here to book a complimentary consultation. We can provide you with advice on what you should be doing to get the results you’re after.

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