woman side planking in gym

Working Hard vs Working Smart In The Gym

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What will it take to get results? Working hard or working smart? Is one superior to the other? Both methods can get results but which can reap more reward long term?


Working hard seems to be a subjective term, everyone really has their own threshold of how much they can physically push themselves in the gym. But for some, people “work” really hard and seem to reap little reward. Benefit vs cost is how you can determine if you are working hard or working smart. It’s essentially weighing out your cost from doing something and what your reward will be from performing that certain reward.


Would you go to the gym for 2 hours/day for 5 days to try and lose 10kg? What would be the benefit from this vs the cost of this? 10 hours per week in the gym is a lot of time spent somewhere. There is no doubt that progression is possible under this behaviour. But is there a “smarter” way? What if there was a way where you only have to spend a maximum of 6 hours/week in the gym and still manage to lose 10kg?


A big misconception about getting results in the gym is having to push yourself to the limit to get results. I mean, it’s true but it’s not essential to be lying on the floor every session covered in sweat. A great way to get around this is to be aware of what the options are out there to achieve the results that you desire.


Benefit vs Cost

2200 calories/day + 10,000 steps = lose 5kg

1800 calories/day + 7500 steps = lose 6 kg

Both methods have benefits but which method has the higher cost. Which one seems to be more sustainable?

Making yourself aware of all the methods out there and picking which one suits your circumstance is the greatest way to determine the benefit vs cost that works for you.

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